Oxford embraces the concepts of a Inter-Disciplinary team, systems approach to ergonomics because no single individual or discipline can solve all of the facets of every ergonomic problems.
Advanced Ergonomics TraininG
Advanced Ergonomics and Injury Prevention: Theory, Practice and Litigation Issues Sponsored by the Oxford Research Institute, Inc
2 CEUs are awarded on completion of course Registration fee: $895, save $200 with early registration
The ORI Advanced Ergonomics Course introduces a systems based ergonomic model.
Participants during this two-day course use an Ergonomics Variance Reduction System to identify the linkages and inter-dependencies between people tools, tasks, procedures, training and management.
These models and systems are applied to reduce the risks of on-the-job injuries and errors. It will also lead to the enhancement of human and system performance through the use of better tools or work methods, better operating procedures, better training, enhanced supervision and management techniques.
You will also learn why regulatory issues, standards and guidelines are a necessary part of ergonomics. We will also cover how to meet existing OSHA recommendations and rules for an Ergonomic Program, and review the environmental ergonomic issues in office, industrial, and manufacturing environments.
Advance Ergonomics Course 2022 Schedule
Refresher Course in Advance Ergonomics
Register on-line . Sign-up early to take advantage of early registration fee $695
ORI is excited to announce its NEW Refresher Course. This course is developed for ergonomists, safety professionals and management wishing to learn current best practices and standards used by todays ergonomic practitioners. Previous participants of ORI Advance Ergonomics Course will also find it beneficial.
Meets ORI's certification biannual CEU requirement The ORI Refresher Course reviews the systems based ergonomic model to address:
Ergonomics Best Practices
OSHA Standards and Guidance
Healthcare Ergonomics
Industrial Ergonomics
Office Ergonomics
Material Handling Methods
Productivity and Cost-Benefits of Ergonomic
Aging Workforce
Tools and Measurements
2021 Course/Exam Dates and Location
Advance Ergonomics Course 2022 dates have been postponed
Refresher Course in Advance Ergonomics Course 2022 dates have been postponed
You can now register on-line on our home page. Navigate to our registration tool here